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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Blogging Tip – Removing Sensitive Information from Images

One of the things that is fairly important when writing articles, blogs, whitepapers or even authoring books is ensuring you do not share any personal information in your screen captures. This is even more important when you are using company property to make your screen captures. Now, on some occasions, leaving connections to SQL Server or Security context is ok. For example, I’ve used Fred and God commonly as SQL Authenticated Logins to my instances.


SSIS Interview questions – Answers

This post will contain the way I would answer the questions that were posted in, “SSIS Test yourself with these interview questions”. I will post a few answers a day. Hope they help someone out there have a good understanding of the questions and why they may be a great thing to ask in an interview or testing situation. What is an Error-Tolerant Index?


Automated Web Testing with Selenium WebDriver

Last week we created a pair of smoke tests with the Selenium IDE tool. Several people commented, with varying levels of politeness, about the downsides of Selenium IDE. There are even those that will tell you not to use it at all, to immediately bypass Selenium IDE and go straight to code. My opinion is that this is a matter of context. Today we are going to get into the nuts and bolts of coding automated tests against the WebDriver library.


SSIS Test yourself with these interview questions

The answers to these questions can be found @ SSIS Interview Questions – Answers A while ago I had written some questions for an SSIS discussion. I happen to tweet that I was doing this and received some requests to post some of those questions. This was mostly out of curiosity of what I thought made really good SSIS questions. All but one or two of these questions I feel are more advanced questions that relate to SSIS and I have hopes they will indeed, test you.


SSMS Assembly Error – Microsoft.SqlServer.Sqm.dll

SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Tools alike can become unusable when other installations, multiple installations or even strange operating system level problems occur that remove critical supporting assemblies. When these assemblies either become corrupted or missing, the fix it rather simple in most cases with a simple copy/paste of the assembly in error from the shared directories that were installed initially. Note: This is step 1 in attempting to fix this type of management tools error.


A case for PEVerify and a bug in the VB.Net compiler

Introduction So this is going to be a long blogpost. I got this code from Katrien De Graeve last Friday. She got a mail from someone in the community where something would compile in VS2008 but not in VS2010. In essence I could reproduce the behavior and I contacted Lucian Wischik (Spec Lead for Visual Basic) because I found the problem intriguing. I did not find a connect item on this problem.


A trip down technology memory lane

This week I had training in a building on campus where I have never been before. The interesting part besides the training was that there was a mini museum in this building. There were a bunch of old and very old pieces of technology stored here. I had to laugh when I picked up a mobile phone from the early 80s, this thing weighed several pounds. Make sure to take a look at that 10 pound hard drive with all those 12 inch platter….


My Favorite PowerShell Script: Reading Log Files

I’m in love. With a PowerShell script I wrote. We have multiple SQL Server Agent jobs that run on a daily or weekly basis. These jobs write logs to a folder on the server. Example: D:mssqlserverbackup When a job fails, we receive a ticket for it. The ticket does not include the reason for the failure. The existing procedure to find the error and resolve it was to RDP to the server, navigate to the directory, and read the text file.


SQL Saturday #99 Minnesota – #SQLAwesome

Does this kind of diagram get you excited about what’s next to come in designing and maintaining a system that involves online and offline data consuming users? If it does, read on… One of the cool things about SQL Saturday events, they don’t necessarily need to be on a Saturday. The annual Minnesota SQL Saturday is a perfect example. They hold theirs on a Friday. From my understanding, this is to be more adaptive to the schedules of the community there.


Automated Web Testing with Selenium IDE

How long does it take to browse through a website after each build and make sure none of the pages have mysteriously blown up? 5 Minutes? 20? No time at all? The time we invest in manual testing adds up. As we switch focus to newer parts of a site we may even stop testing the ones we ‘finished’, confident that they’re stable and won’t be affected by our newer changes (yeah right).