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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

SQL Saturday Iowa another success!

The annual SQL Saturday in Iowahas always been one of my favorite SQL Saturdays.This year it was a little later in the year which made it even better for me.See, in Wisconsin, bow hunting has opened the same weekend that Iowa’s SQL Saturday fell on.Now, for a bow hunter, it’s a big thing to not go out on opening weekend.In fact, I’ve never missed an opening morning out in the woods.


A New Adventure: Tech On Tap

It was February 27, 2011. Derek Schauland (twitter | blog), Microsoft File Storage System MVP, was stepping off the plane after attending MVP Summit when he sent me a message on Twitter: I have an idea. I love ideas. I thrive on them. I asked him to give me more information. The next two words sold me: tech beers. I saved his message, and I’m glad I did, because today, I can share with you what he did with me.


Massive (the micro-ORM), VB.Net and Named argument cannot match a paramarray parameter

Introduction I have been playing with Massive the micro-ORM for a week now and it works with VB.Net, just as it works with C#, of course it works, I hear you say. Well, there is no “of course” here, but I will not rant about that now. The offending function If you go into the Massive.cs file you will find this function. public virtual IEnumerable<dynamic> All(string where = "", string orderBy = "", int limit = 0, string columns = "*", params object[] args) { string sql = BuildSelect(where, orderBy, limit); return Query(string.


SQL Saturday #92 – Portland, OR

Where can you get your next @grrl_geek sighting? Check out SQL Saturday #92 in sunny Portland, OR on Saturday, October 8, 2011! ![][2] Check out this schedule! There are 40 presentations throughout the day, so you’re sure to get your T-SQL, PowerShell, SSIS, Statistics or Denali fix. I’ll be presenting a preview of my PASS Summit session “Reporting Services 201: From Basic to WOW!” I’m going to show you rarely-used report and table properties that make reports pop.


SQL Server Deep Dives Volume 2

Many books through the year are published revolving around SQL Server.Typically they are focused on a features, methodology, design or administrative eccentric.A few years ago, a different type of book was published named SQL Server Deep Dives.This book was essentially all of the others placed into one.This was accomplished by the vast number of authors that were part of the book.Those authors were found completely from one group of well-known experts around the world: SQL Server MVPs.


Troubleshooting SQL Server: A guide for the Accidental DBA

I'm very excited to announce that the book, "Troubleshooting SQL Server: A guide for the Accidental DBA" will be at the PASS Summit this year.Jonathan Kehayias is well known as one of the best all-around SQL Server Professionals out there and any publication is always valued.This book is composed of some of the most common problems and real-life experiences that go into resolving them.Even the thought of the caliber of the names on this book putting on paper all they have in steps to resolving some of the worst problems out there, holds a lot of value that can prove, priceless.


Using Roboguice to inject your dependencies in an Android app

Introduction After the writing of your first application and the first tests. It is time to make our application a bit more testable by using dependency injection. I choose to use RoboGuice for this, which is a subproject of Guice made especially for the Android sub-culture. Setting it up. You can read how to set up Roboguice to work with your application on the wiki. It’s not rocket science.


2011 Quarter 3 Goals: Kicking [beep], Taking Names

It’s the end of the third quarter. What a fun year! Right now, I’m practically falling out of my chair with excitement. Next Friday, I leave for a nine-day trip that includes SQL Saturday #92 in Portland, OR; the Portland Half Marathon; and PASS Summit in Seattle, WA. Who needs sleep? So, three-quarters of the way through the year, how am I doing on my 2011 goals? Blogging Thumbs up. Way up.


Massive (The Micro-ORM), winforms and VB.Net

Introduction I’ve been using nHibernate for quite a few years now and have been having plenty of success with it. But sometimes it’s just to much. So today I had a little project I had to do and I decided I would take Massive from Rob Connery a spin. Install Well, there is no install. Massive is just a gigantic C# file that you would insert into your project if you were using C#.


VBCop or project Roslyn

A few weeks back I saw the presentation that Lucian Wischik made at devdays 2011. In that presentation he talked about VBCop. VBCop being similar to Stylecop but then for VB.Net and not for C#. I already talked about a need for such a product for VB.Net and why it is not available for VB.Net. I looked it up on Google but I could not find anything. So I sent a mail to the VB-team to ask what happened to that project.