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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Conferences in Belgium: SQL Server days 2011 and Agile .Net 2011

In the coming months I will be going to a few conferences. Not because I have to, but because I want to. Neither of the conferences is free. The SQL Server days 2011 one is very cheap. I only payed 79€ (early bird) for that. Which isn’t to much considering I pay for it myself. And I will get to meet mrdenny after all these years. And it will have Kevin Kline and Jen Stirrup among the many speakers.


In VB11 the namespace difference between VB and C# will be … smaller.

Yesterday there was this announcement from the VB-team. In a previous post I wrote about the difference in namespaces between VB.Net and C#. On a project level C# uses a default namespace setting which means you can just overwrite it at the class level. So if you create a new class you will get something like this. ```csharp using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace C_Class_Library_1.NewFolder1 { class Class1 { } }``` But if you so desire you can change that.


Getting Started with JavaScript Unit Testing

Recently I decided to start doing JavaScript code katas. I’ve been using JavaScript for around ten years, but there there are still a lot of aspects I don’t know well or that I could use more practice in. Case in point, I had never used a unit testing framework with javascript. Having never unit tested JavaScript before, I used a scientific tool to carefully select from amongst the numerous unit testing packages available.


Aggregates with multiple tables

In this blog post I would like to touch a very common problem which often trips up newbies and even serious SQL Professionals. I wanted to write this blog post for quite some time, but always put it aside. However, just a few days ago I have been dealing with this problem at my work place, so I believe it’s time to discuss the problem. For the discussion let’s consider AdventureWorks database SalesOrderHeader and SalesOrderDetail tables.


Android: Testing if an activity is finished when pressing a button.

Introduction Getting into Android development is easy. Just download Eclipse and the Android SDK and you are on your way to brilliant things. And making your first app is easy. One of the first apps we wrote was a close button. In other words. Put a button on the screen and when the user clicks it then close it. The code First thing to do was to make it work.


How to make your VB.Net code completely unreadable but still compile.

Just use the colon everywhere you can. I twill make this class. Public Class Person1 Public Sub New(ByVal country As String, ByVal postcode As String, ByVal town As String, ByVal housenumber As String, ByVal street As String, ByVal firstname As String, ByVal name As String) _country = country _postcode = postcode _town = town _housenumber = housenumber _street = street _firstname = firstname _name = name End Sub Private _country As String Private _postcode As String Private _town As String Private _housenumber As String Private _street As String Private _firstname As String Private _name As String Public Property Country() As String Get Return _country End Get Set (ByVal value As String) _country = value End Set End Property Public Property Postcode() As String Get Return _postcode End Get Set (ByVal value As String) _postcode = value End Set End Property Public Property Town() As String Get Return _town End Get Set (ByVal value As String) _town = value End Set End Property Public Property Housenumber() As String Get Return _housenumber End Get Set (ByVal value As String) _housenumber = value End Set End Property Public Property Street() As String Get Return _street End Get Set (ByVal value As String) _street = value End Set End Property Public Property Firstname() As String Get Return _firstname End Get Set (ByVal value As String) _firstname = value End Set End Property Public Property Name() As String Get Return _name End Get Set (ByVal value As String) _name = value End Set End Property Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal other As Person1) As Boolean If ReferenceEquals(Nothing, other) Then Return False If ReferenceEquals(Me, other) Then Return True Return Equals(other.


Returning a value inserted in a table with a newsequentialid() default on a uniqueidentifier column

This question came up yesterday and I decided to do a little blog post about it. Someone wanted to know if there was something like @@identity/scope_identity() for a uniqueidentifier column with a default of newsequentialid(). There is not such a function but you can use OUTPUT INSERTED.Column to do something similar. Let’s take a look First create this table USE tempdb GO CREATE TABLE bla(ID INT,SomeID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DEFAULT newsequentialid()) INSERT bla (ID) VALUES(1) GO Do a simple select….


Review of In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives by Stephen Levy

Having read three books written by Stephen Levy (Hackers, Crypto and Artificial Life) already I was excited that he had a book coming out about Google. In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives is a very interesting book, it is a must read for anyone who wants to know how Google thinks and why it is that it thinks that way. Both Larry Page and Sergey Brin were Montessori students, this highly influenced their way of thinking.


Tips and Tricks to Make SQL Server Management Studio Awesome

SQL Server Management Studio is the de facto tool for working with SQL Server. But its default options may not always be the best way for you to work. After working with it for years, I’ve come up with a list of my favorite features. (Secret: This is also my way of recording this so that the next time I need to set up a new PC, I just have to come back here.


Using Code Katas to Improve Programming Skills

Feelings about programming katas tend to fall into one of 3 buckets; disdain, indifference, or appreciation. The indifferent crowd generally doesn’t see what you learn from repeating the same coding exercise, while the disdainful crowd feels the same way, but at a much louder (and of course disdainful) volume. That leaves the group that feel there is value in repetitively coding the same exercise or coding numerous small code examples.