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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Red Gate SQL Toolbelt Review

So I’ve had Redgate’s SQL Toolbelt for about a year now, but up until recently I hadn’t used most of the tools available to me. But with the current push we’re making with trying to straighten out our processes I’ve been playing with everything to get a feel for how they work and if I want to actually use them. So far I’ve been fairly impressed with every piece of software provided by Redgate.


Review of Zero Day by Mark Russinovich

This is a small review of Zero Day: A Novel by Mark Russinovich If you are a windows user/developer then the name Mark Russinovich might seem familiar to you, Mark is of course the guy who started Sysinternals, he discovered the Sony rootkit on their CDs and is now a technical fellow at Microsoft. In other words, Mark knows what he talks about when writing about zero day attacks.


VB.Net isn’t C#

I’ve liked and used VB.Net since 2003 and I used C# since about 2005. Me and VB.Net have had a love-hate relationship since the beginning. I love it’s verbosity and expressiveness I just love the syntax. And it just does everything I need it to do for the applications I have to write. I don’t see a reason to leave it behind for something new and different. I hate how they sometimes screw up the syntax, yes lambdas look ugly.


Chicago SQL Connections – Reporting Services 201 Slides & Code

I want to thank the Chicago Suburban SQL Connections user group for inviting me to present! I hopped in the Fit and took a mini-road trip down to Downers Grove, IL on Tuesday, August 2 (with a stop at Mars Cheese Castle along the way!). I gave a preview of my PASS Summit 2011 presentation, Reporting Services 201: From Basic to WOW! The presentation shows you how to take a simple table and make it pop, using report properties, table properties, tablix, lists and charts.


Book review: jQuery Mobile First Look

Introduction I was asked by Packt publishing to do a book review of jQuery Mobile: First look. And I accepted. I have done this once before for a book that interested me. I don’t read that many technical books since they tend to bore me really quickly. But I got this one for free so why not. And it is a subject I blogged about before. Making a jQuery Mobile style for a PHPBB forum Trying out jQuery Mobile on our blog And about jQuery


Running sandcastle project from teamcity

Introduction Now that you have all those nice XML comments on your methods and classes and everything else it is time to make them into something no one will ever read but you can use to impress the manager (especially useful in printed format). I will use sandcastle for this. Sandcastle I just installed sandcastle as one would do. Then make your project using the GUI and save it somewhere that makes sense.


Some more string concatenation weirdness this time with Enums in VB.Net and a difference with C#

Things don’t always do as you expect and testing your code is good for that but sometimes you forget to test the obvious because you just depend on you common sense. Well Common sense tells me all these methods should give me the same result. Module Module1 Sub Main() Console.WriteLine("test " & Test.Test1) Console.WriteLine("test " + Test.Test1.ToString) Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}{1}", "test ", Test.Test1)) Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("test ", Test.Test1)) Console.WriteLine(String.Join("", {"test ", Test.Test1})) Console.ReadLine() End Sub Public Enum Test Test1 Test2 Test3 End Enum End Module But I get this as the result.


The History of HTML Table Layouts

The argument over table vs non-table layouts has been going on for years. I remember seeing online conversations as far back as ten years ago on the topic, and given my notoriously bad memory that should be taken as a minimum. Along the way we have dealt with partial CSS implementations, inconsistent rendering behavior, slow implementation of standards, competing proprietary implementations…it’s been a long road. Table layouts are still in use and in some places they are still the default.


Why you should never concatenate string with + in VB.Net and how resharper can help.

Introduction There are several ways to concatenate string in VB.Net. Most will use the &-operator but we all know you should use the String.Format method. And sometimes you might by accident use the +-operator. The +-operator is however not such a good idea. Here is why. The problem If you run this little program you will see that the result is not always what you expect. Option Strict Off Option Infer On Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim _I = "1" + 1 Console.


Learning Ruby on windows: First steps in rails – adding an image to our plants

Introduction In my last post I made a model plant with 3 attributes, namely name, height and color. Now I would like to add an image to that because that always seems to be the most difficult thing to do. I also decided that it would be a good idea to keep the image in the database, just because I like to be different. And again the guide to read for me was migrations on the ruby on rails guide.