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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Come One, Come All to T-SQL Tuesday #016 : Aggregate Functions

![T-SQL Tuesday][1] One day, Adam Machanic (Twitter | Blog) had the most brilliant idea of his life to that point: T-SQL Tuesday. (That may be a slight exaggeration.) This is “a recurring, revolving blog party”, hosted by a guest blogger on the second Tuesday of each month. We’ve had 15 fantastic parties so far. I am lucky enough to host T-SQL Tuesday #016 on March, 8, 2011! The Topic: Aggregation


powerconsole and removing the git from my git routine

Introduction You know you have been using git too long when you start typing git before every command in the command prompt. Typing git before every command is also 4 characters to many. I don’t even see why I should do that in the Git bash, doesn’t it know why I’m there. It’s boring and I have better things to do with my time. SO it’s time for a solution.


Power console for Visual Studio 2010

In my attempts to automate the world I learned myself some powershell, and got myself in trouble along the way. But I got to know some very friendly and helpful people along the way, I got a lot of help from Ravikanth Chaganti (blog|twitter). And he got me thinking with this comment on my blog. you can use the PowerShell console extention to access the $dte object and see what project was open and reopen it later.


Dynamic or static languages

Yesterday I was working in Powershell, which is mostly dynamic in nature and I have also worked a bit with PHP (for this site). For my daily work I use VB.Net and C# which are mostly static or I tend to use the static parts of them.  So let’s go back to yesterday where I was working with Powershell, sorry I have a very short attention span and my fingers don’t type as quick as my mind things so I might seem a bit erratic, which I’m not.


Powershell, WmiObject and a corrupt repository

Yesterday I was dabling in powershell a bit and found that this line Get-WMIObject Win32_Process of code did not work. I got an invalid class exception. And sure enough when I did a Get-WMIObject -list I did not see Win32_process in that list. So something was terribly wrong. And for once Google was not very helpfull either. Trying that piece of code on another machine did work, so the problem was local.


My first steps in powershell and stopping and starting a process

Introduction Yesterday I had the brilliant idea to automate the checkout of a git branch. As you might know, when you work with Visual studio and git, you need to close VS before you do a checkout and then you have to restart it. For the people that don’t know, Visual studio will start asking to reload your projects one at a time which can take many clicks, it is also possible that if you leave a certain tab open with a file that is not in the other branch that this tab remains open and if you do save all you might end up with this file in the wrong branch.


Professional Development –Building Relationships

I owe my class an apology. Today’s session seems to have been lost in the workload that has been on your professor this week. Alas, this is no excuse and as such, we are here right now and talking about another professional development topic. Today we are going to discuss relationships in professional development. No, we are not talking about integrity in data. Well, we kind of are. The word integrity and relationships go along with each other.


MADPASS Meeting Wrap-Up

Last night, I had a mad, mad evening at the inaugural Madison, WI SQL Server User Group, MADPASS. I think that was one of the best user group meetings I’ve ever attended! First, I’d like to thank the organizers, volunteers and the interim board of directors. Putting together a new group is hard work, and requires time, dedication and passion. The only thing we lack: more time! Our interim board is:


Product Selection, Evaluation

Product Selection: 1: Identifying Needs 2: Requirements and Scoring 3: Evaluation 4: Review Having identified the root needs the product will fulfill, engaging people while selecting criteria, and generating a scorecard to evaluate each contender against, we’re ready to get started, right? Well, almost. Step 3: Evaluation In order to evaluate and score all of the contending products, we first need some contending products.


Professional Development Week, Comfort Zone

Welcome to this semester’s Professional Development week at SQL University. If you found yourself here without first reading the introduction of this week’s topic, please take a moment to read, “Professional Development Week, An introduction to this week on SQL University”. This week is being taught by Andy Leonard (Twitter | Blog) and Ted Krueger (Twitter | Blog). Yesterday in the introduction, there were questions raised. One of them was, “Most of all how do we truly become advanced beyond our standings and know we still has further to go?