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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Reflector to cost us now

Red Gate is a company that is widely known as a community company. I have yet to meet an individual that had anything bad to say about them, even if there are occasional complaints, whines or whatnot. Overall, the company really is one that we as a community are proud to plug based on our experiences with them. Tools like SQL Prompt, SQL Compare, SQL HyperBac and even the bundle, SQL Toolbelt, are tools that have helped the SQL Server professional push forward more efficiently by doing more with what they have available.


Presenting at the February WI SSUG Meeting

It is the second week of the month, which means two things: T-SQL Tuesday, and the monthly WI SQL Server User Group meeting. I’m excited to announce that I will be presenting at the WI SSUG this month! Please join me Tuesday, February 8, 4:30 PM, at the Microsoft office in Waukesha, WI. I’ll be giving a preview of my 24 Hours of PASS presentation, Reporting Services 201: The Next Level.


SQL University – SQL Server Reporting Services: Exploring the RSReportServer.config File

SQL Server 2008 R2 Welcome to SQL Server Reporting Services week at SQL University. This is a great blog project put together by Jorge Segarra (Twitter | Blog), and contributed to by many SQL professionals. If you aren’t a student yet, head over to the website and get started in classes! SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Files If you’ve ever set up or troubleshot a SQL Server Reporting Services installation, you have probably used the Configuration Manager.


Product Selection, Identifying Needs

Product Selection: 1: Identifying Needs 2: Requirements and Scoring 3: Evaluation 4: Review Product selection is something we will all run into in our careers, regardless of where we fall in the technical spectrum. Whether we are helping select a tool for end users, new hardware for our servers, or a framework to use in our process, product selection can have far reaching affects and the potential to consume a great deal of time and effort.


Adding a jQuery Date Picker to Sharepoint

Here’s an example of how you can add jQuery date pickers to input fields within your Sharepoint websites. First, go the Site Settings page and select the Master pages link: Next, drop down the default.master page list and select the Edit in Microsoft Office Sharepoint Designer: Assuming you have already downloaded and installed the Sharepoint Designer, it will then give you a warning prompt and then open the master page file in the designer:


Using Database Snapshot As A Protection Against Rogue Deletes

Let me first start by saying that this is not a foolproof solution, it is just another way that could help you out when you by mistake delete some data. If someone deletes the data in the table just before you create the database snapshot then you will be out of luck. The option in this article is also nice if your backups are terabyte size because your restore would take a while and even then all the tables would be affected.


Design for Colour Blindness

A few minutes ago Remou posted a link to Vischeck in our forum. VisCheck is a site to check your site to see if it is readable for the colorblind. Colorblindness comes in several flavors Deuteranope (a form of red/green color deficit) Protanope (another form of red/green color deficit) Tritanope (a blue/yellow deficit- very rare) You can check your site for all three. I did so for our launchpad and here are the results.


SQL University – SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Files Overview

SQL Server 2008 R2 Welcome to SQL Server Reporting Services week at SQL University. This is a great blog project put together by Jorge Segarra (Twitter | Blog), and contributed to by many SQL professionals. If you aren’t a student yet, head over to the website and get started! This semester, Professor Jes will be guiding you through Reporting Services administration. Let’s get started! SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Files


Mailmessage and the Newline that was being ignored

In my app I am sending some mails to myself just so I would feel more important. And I was having a weird problem. This is the code I was using. Dim _message As MailMessage = New MailMessage(_sender, _recipient, _subject, "") _message.IsBodyHtml = True _message.Body &= "Attached file: " & _Filename & ".txt" & Environment.NewLine To my surprise this this was the result. Attached file: filename.txtAttached file: filename2.txt``` My emailreader was not really spotting the newlines.


Writing a simple website with webmatrix, razor and VB.Net

So how easy is it for a non-webdeveloper to create a simple site with webmatrix and the razor syntax. Let me start by using the Empty site template this time. Yep, that looks pretty empty to me. So we start by adding an vbhtml page and let’s call it Default. This is the standard code that you will find in a vbhtml file. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title></title> </head> <body> </body> </html> Yes that is HTML 5.