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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

My First Android Application (Ubuntu Linux)

This post details my first adventure into developing for the Android platform and the steps taken to get the HelloWorld application to run. Download the Linux SDK from: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html Extract the archive and take note of the directory Install Eclipse (`apt-get install eclipse`) Install Eclipse plugin Help->Install Software Add repository: https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse Select Developer Tools Read and accept licenses Configure Eclipse Windows->Preferences->Android Set SDK Location Select OK Setup SDK and Virtual Device From Eclipse: Window->Android SDK and AVD Manager->Available Packages Select Android Repository->Install Selected Select Virtual devices->New: Name the device and select the target API version Create Android Project in Eclipse Project name: HelloAndroid Application name: Hello Package name: com.


Determining the average color of a fiber

Introduction So in part one we decided to use the AForge.Net framework to do this: Finding the fiber and determining the average color based on the image. And the saga continues. The average color After talking to Andrew Kirillov the developer behind AForge.Net he told me about an easier way to do what I did. And here it is. Dim i = New Aforge.Imaging.Filters.ColorFiltering Dim b = GetBitmap() i.red = New intrange(150,255) i.


Aforge.Net and deciding the average color of a fiber

Introduction Yesterday Mladen Prajdic (twitter|blog) told me about AForge.Net for image manipulation. So I immediately downloaded it and tried it out on one of my pet projects. Finding the fiber and determining the average color based on the image. The mission The mission , if you wish to accept it, is to calculate the average color of a fiber as to eliminate the need for the analyst to decide the color.


Cropping a zoomed image in VB.Net

Introduction Cropping an Image is pretty simple in VB.Net. Today I had a need to make it possible for my users to crop some images by drawing a selection rectangle and I felt the need to reinvent the wheel ;-). Not zoomed image Cropping isn’t all that difficult with VB. As you can see from the following piece of code. Dim bmp As New Bitmap(newwidth,newheight) Dim g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp) g.


2010 stats: most popular posts, search keywords and countries

A couple of days ago I posted about some stats in the 2010.. a year in stats..browsers, smartphones and windows flavors post. Today we are looking at most popular posts, what the most used search engines keywords were and the top 20 countries where our visits come from. Countries We got visitors from 210 countries, in the table below is the top 20. As expected the United States has the bulk of the visits.


Fighting the automatic spam

Introduction  The more popular your site becomes the more spam you will get. And a few weeks ago we had a lot of comment spam on this site. When fighting spam you must know what drives the enemy. And in this case it is backlinks. To moderate or not to moderate Since our site still gets a normal amount of comments I think we should still moderate, this will keep manual spam to a minimum.


First glance at the new Red Gate SQL Monitor

** Monitoring SQL Server Monitoring SQL Server, or for that matter, any database server, is a critical aspect to a DBA or team that is hosting data services. In order to maintain a successful percentage of uptime, we as DBAs must rely on tools like this to manage alerts, performance baselines and the historic collection of statistics. All of these points can be accomplished without a boxed tool but the efforts that go into customizing them on our own outweigh the cost of the products themselves.


Using RMO to run replication tasks

** RMO and working with SQL Server Replication I’ve started to add Wiki entries here on LessThanDot for Replication Management Objects (RMO). RMO is not a new assembly and has been around a long time for use with replication. In most cases RMO is extremely beneficial to merge replication when the subscriptions are editions like SQL Express. This is due to the lack of a SQL Server Agent on the Express side.


2011 Goals: Bring It On

I know I’ve said it before, but 2010 was an amazing year. I can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store for me. A year ago, I sat down and wrote some goals for myself. I achieved almost all of them, and they opened doors for me that have led to opportunities I would never have imagined. I’ve spent the last few weeks thinking about what I can ask myself to do next year.


Review of my 2010 goals

The end of the year 2010 is coming up, this is an excellent time to review my 2010 goals. In this post 2010 Goals For SQLDenis I have outlined a couple of things I wanted to accomplish in 2010. Here is a list of those goals Upgrade our servers to SQL Server 2008 Read 2 books per month Be more active in the SQL community Watch more television Play more computer games