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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Exploring Reactive Extensions – Testing

Now that the setup is out of the way, let’s look at how we can get this stuff tested. I’m a bit more interested in the observable side of the relationship so I’ll start there, looking at the method using winforms events first. Testing our Send method when using events is just a matter of checking to see if the event we expected is raised. If we were doing this for real, we’d want some kind of mock handler that records not only whether it was called but what parameters were passed, etc… But for simplicity’s sake we will just capture whether or not the handler got called.


T-SQL Tuesday #13: Is that what you really want?

Steve Jones (Twitter | Blog), The Voice of the DBA, is hosting the T-SQL Tuesday blogging fest over on SQLServerCentral.com this month. This months topic involves businesses and what they really want.As many of you know, I am the owner of a small software company that satisfies a niche market. I’ve been in business for 13 years now, and am still working on the same core application. I constantly find new features and functionality to offer in the app, continually improving it for the benefit of my customers.


T-SQL Tuesday #013: What Does the Business Want?

Steve Jones (@way0utwest | blog) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. The official topic this month is: “What issues have you had in interacting with the business to get your job done?” Learning the Business Until just a few weeks ago, when I changed jobs, my primary job was to write (and edit, and manage) reports for the business. I spent three years working at this for a small company.


T-SQL Tuesday #13: What the Business Says Is Not What the Business Wants

Steve Jones (Twitter | Blog), The Voice of the DBA, is hosting the T-SQL Tuesday blogging fest over on SQLServerCentral.com this month. The topic is one that has been a battle between DBAs, Developers and even managers since the creation of computing in the business itself. It causes heated arguments, career changes, trips to your psychiatrist and worst of all, more work and over-thinking that is ever needed for some projects.


Digsby and how to do it right

Today I noticed that Digsby (my favorite chat client) has added ads underneath the chat window. So I might have posted something on twitter. And Digsby replied. And here you see that setting. And here you see the result. And I’m a happy camper.


SQL Server: Starting a Server-Side Trace

Stop me if you’ve heard this one…a programmer walks up to a DBA and says, “The database is slow.” One of the many performance tuning and troubleshooting tools in the SQL Server DBA toolbelt is Profiler. You pick events you want to see, set up a trace, and watch the events roll by. The problem is that this graphical tool, especially when run from a workstation, can place a heavy load on the server.


Build your resume for the position

I thoroughly enjoy interviewing people. I take it the same as getting to know everyone in the SQL Community. Even with such a limited time to directly talk about a person’s experiences and skills, you can really dig deep into how a person confronts the daily trials of holding a position as a database professional or developer. At the same time, the interviewee has the same opportunity to reverse the conversation and do the same interview back.


TeamCity 6 and Dotcover

Introduction The new Teamcity 6 has dotcover support for absolutely free. So you should use it. Here is how I set it up and what problems I had. How to set it up. It’s insanely simple. In your Nunit build step go to the bottom and select JetBrains dotCover as your .Net Coverage tool. Select your runtime and version and you’re done. Simple as pie. Problem However mine did not create a report but it did add an error to the build log.


SSRS: How to monitor report subscriptions

As we all know SQL Server Reporting Services is a very powerful tool that gives end users a multitude of ways to retrieve data. One such way is through subscriptions. Subscriptions can be created by both Administrators and end users. So as an administrator it is difficult to keep track of what subscriptions are running and when they are running. It can also come as a surprise when the Director of a department comes to you to ask where his report was this morning.


Teamcity 6 upgrade from teamcity 5

Introduction Teamcity 6 came out and I upgraded. TeamCity is free so I see no reason why not to use it. And if there is a new version we just have to have it like woman need new shoes. Here is my adventure with the upgrade. Install Just download it and click install, then click next a few times and finish. And all worked pretty much from the first go.