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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

dotCover 1.0 Beta

Introduction A couple of days ago or perhaps a few weeks ago, dotCover 1.0 Beta was released. dotCover is a code coverage tool. Or like Jetbrains say. JetBrains dotCover is a new code coverage tool for .NET developers. And here is its feature list. dotCover features include: Reporting statement-level coverage in .NET applications. Highlighting for uncovered code in Visual Studio. Detecting which tests cover a particular location in code.


MSDN giveaway winners

The winners of the MSDN Ultimate subscriptions are Emtucifor and Shawson. Originally we were going to select the winner based on comments, we also only had one subscription. Then Ted Krueger donated one of his subscriptions, there was only one comment that stood out and it was Emtucifor’s. The comment is below I have always dreamed of owning my own software company. A few years back I started doing some database development on the side, but then I got married, had a son, and began having some health challenges which together halted what I’d been doing.


Final vote for the MSDN giveaway

We are giving away 2 MSDN ultimate subscriptions, for the original announcement see here: MSDN Ultimate Subscription giveaway We did not include David Taylor because he won this morning at sqlblog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/andy_leonard/archive/2010/07/09/and-the-winner-is.aspx and he was fine with us taking him off. Here are the 6 finalist, I picked the top 3 from each group that people had a chance to vote on: http://forum.lessthandot.com/viewtopic.php?f=121&t=11533 and http://forum.lessthandot.com/posting.php?mode=edit&f=121&p=56403 This vote will end in 3 hours, at noon Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)


Vote for the MSDN giveaway winner

As you might know we are giving away 2 MSDN ultimate subscriptions, for the original announcement see here: MSDN Ultimate Subscription giveaway We decided on one of the winners already, for the other winner I decided to pull a Pontius Pilate on you so that nobody can blame me that they didn’t win….yes I know it sounds like a cop out…that is because it is…and this is more fun. Here is what I did.


MSDN Ultimate Subscription giveaway +1

I was fortunate enough to receive MSDN Ultimate Subscriptions as well as SQLDenis (blog | Twitter). I Think Denis’s idea and contest to see who we can give these to is excellent. To support Denis and his idea, I’m adding another subscription that will be handed over once we read over the responses. That means your chances just got much better to enjoy the subscriptions and the benefits Visual Studio 2010 has to offer!


Service locator pattern, why and why not.

Introduction When you use a DI/IoC-Container like StructureMap you will be using the Service Locator pattern. On MSDN you can find a pretty good explanation of the Service Locator pattern so I won’t repeat that here. You will also note they have no examples for VB.Net. I guess they think this pattern is too complicated for us VB.Net developers. But it isn’t. Also worth reading are Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control


Virtual Lab: Setting up Database Mail on SQL Server 2008 R2

After our installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 a few weeks ago, I mentioned that we still had some additional setup tasks before we could consider the server to be done. This article covers setting up DatabaseMail, the internal mail client/management system that will allow us to use built-in alerts (among other things). Technical Area: Accidental Database Administrator Level of Difficulty: Additional Articles:Virtual Lab entry on the LTD Wiki Database Mail is a subsystem that acts like a SMTP client, allowing us to send emails from SQL Server processes and scripts.


StructureMap and Generics

Introduction I don’t need to tell you that IoC and an IoC-container is something you should use. My container of preference is StructureMap by Jeremy D. Miller. One of the more interesting things to map are generic interfaces and their implementations. Generics can save us a lot of typing and make life a lot easier. Less code usually means less bugs. But there are also 2 different ways in which generic interfaces can be implemented – one is open and the other one is more specific.


MSDN Ultimate Subscription giveaway

Microsoft was kind enough to give me 3 MSDN Ultimate Subscriptions. I gave two of these away already, I have one left for the readers of Lessthandot.com. **Update Ted Krueger decided to add one of his, so now there will be two that we will be giving away……that just doubled your chances** **Update 2 This is now closed, but you can vote for the winner, see here for details: Vote for the MSDN giveaway winner**


Two Years With NHibernate – Lessons Learned

I realized the other day that it’s been nearly two years since I wrote a series of posts as I was learning to use NHibernate for data access. I haven’t really blogged a whole lot about NHibernate (I leave that to our resident expert, Chris) but I’ve certainly been working with it a bit. And I’ve learned to like it a lot. A little background on what I’ve been doing – the recipe tracker app I was using as a sort of “hello world” has increased greatly in scope (good thing that never happens in our day jobs, right 😉 ).