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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

How I got started with SQL Server

I got tagged by Denny Cherry (blog | twitter) who himself got tagged by Brent Ozar (blog | twitter), they want to know how I got started with SQL Server. So here is my story. My first database was not SQL Server but DB2 running on a mainframe; this was about 10 years ago and back then you did not have fancy keyword highlighting because everything was green and in CAPS…oh the memories of SPUFI, MVS, COBOL, JCL and CICS…good riddance!


Firefox and having multiple tabs as your homepage

For some reason this really escaped my attention and I just did it by accident. And I was wondering what was happening. Because when I clicked on the homepage button in Firefox, it opened 4 pages. Apparently that is something new or has it been there all along? I don’t know and I don’t really think it is my favourite behaviour. Try adding this http://lessthandot.com||http://forum.lessthandot.com|http://wiki.lessthandot.com to the homepage. Not only will you have the best of the net 😀 but it will also open four tabs.


Using a Calendar for a Date Hierarchy Parameter with SSAS 2008 and SSRS 2008

When designing a Reporting Services report against a relational database, I would argue that developers most often prefer to utilize a Date/Time parameter type and calendar control for date parameter input. This makes it easy for the user to choose a date with the Reporting Services calendar control instead of requiring the user to type a well-formatted date value or providing the user with a long list of dates in a drop-down list.


Learn About SQL Server 2008 R2 Project Gemini And Project Madison By Watching These Videos

Channel 9 has two videos up about Project Gemini And Project Madison. These two videos will give you a good overview what Gemini and Madison are all about. Both videos are available in a variety of formats Introduction to SQL Server Project Madison The SQL Server team is working on a new project code-named “Madison”. “Madison” is a highly scalable data warehouse appliance that delivers performance at low cost through massively parallel processing (MPP).


SSMS Tools PACK, Something Every SQL Server Developer That Uses SSMS Should Have Installed

This post was already published yesterday, someone deleted it by mistake so I had to recreate it…sorry for that (and thanks for google cache :-)) SSMS Tools PACK is an Add-In (Add-On) for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express, this tool is developed by Mladen Prajdić. SSMS Tools PACK contains a few upgrades to the IDE that were missing from Management Studio: Window Connection Coloring.


Scripting all jobs on SQL Server 2005/2008 into one file

In the Scripting All The Jobs On Your SQL Server Instance Into Separate Files By Using SMO post I showed you how you can use SMO to script all the jobs into separate files. But what if you want to have them all in one file? You can of course use SMO for that or you can do it from SSMS. Most people don’t know about this and that is the reason for this little post.


SQL Server StreamInsight CTP2 Available For Download

After I wrote the SQL Server 2008 R2 August Community Technology Preview (CTP) Announced post I noticed that we were getting Google hits for the search term StreamInsight. Well there is good news: SQL Server StreamInsight CTP2 is available for download. Overview Microsoft® SQL Server® StreamInsight is a platform for the continuous and incremental processing of unending sequences of events (event streams) from multiple sources with near-zero latency. These requirements, shared by vertical markets such as manufacturing, oil and gas, utilities, financial services, health care, web analytics, and IT and data center monitoring, make traditional store and query techniques impractical for timely and relevant processing of data.


Death by a thousand tools

One thing these days that there is not a shortage of is tools to monitor, tune and process our database servers. We have all the big wigs providing you with dozens of packaged utilities that ensure everything you have worked hard for stays where it is and meeting your hard 99.999999% availability goals. So is that a good thing? Obviously using these tools are a good thing and they make DBAs look that much better with real-time proactive performance tuning and preventative actions before issues are even issues.


ITextSharp and the HeaderFooter on the first page

Yesterday I had some fun with iTextSharp. I have to confess that it does a good job for what I want it to do. But I got a bit confused with the Header and Footer thing. I use version 4.1.2. vbnet Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim oDoc As New iTextSharp.text.Document(iTextSharp.text.PageSize.A4) PdfWriter.GetInstance(oDoc, New FileStream("Nofooteronfirstpage.pdf", FileMode.Create)) oDoc.Open() Dim footer As New HeaderFooter(New Phrase("This is page: "), True) oDoc.


Scripting All The Jobs On Your SQL Server Instance Into Separate Files By Using SMO

You inherited a brand new SQL server, one of the first questions you ask is of course where is the source control for this servers I want to see all the procedures and jobs. The answer might be that they use daily backups as source control or just don’t do any source control at all. If you want all jobs into one file then you don’t need to use SMO since there is an easier solution, take a look here: Scripting all jobs on SQL Server 2005⁄2008 into one file