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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Review of Pro SQL Server 2008 Relational Database Design and Implementation

Good database design is extremely important if you want to have a database that performs well and is easily modifiable. How many times did you have to go back and change countless lines of code because your database was not normalized and it was not easy to add another payment type to the existing database? This is where Pro SQL Server 2008 Relational Database Design and Implementation comes in; in the first couple of chapters you are taught how to design a database in a normal form.


SQL Friday, The Best SQL Server Links Of The Past Week Episode 10

Here we are with another fascinating episode of the SQL Friday, The Best SQL Server Links Of The Past Week show. I can’t believe it is week 10 already, if I continue like this I will be retired soon…..or just tired without the re prefix. Here is what I found interesting this past week in SQL Land: Shrinking is a popular topic… Mike explains some concepts about shrinking and the transaction log


SQL Server covering indexes

Most developers know that indexes can help speed up your queries, but what happens if you are getting nice index seeks and the performance is still not acceptable? In some cases, a covering index can improve your performance tremendously. This blog will help you identify what the covering index should be and how to test your query to make sure it is being used. In SQL Server Management Studio, you can see the execution plan by pressing CTRL-M and then run your query.


An Interview With Kevin Kline About SQL In A Nutshell Third Edition

Most of the database developers these days don’t work with just one RDBMS, a large percentage will work with at least two of them. SQL In A Nutshell will help you with that, no longer do you have the need for two or more books open at the same time. I asked Kevin Kline if he would be interested in an interview and as you can see he said yes.


Using the structuremap Automocker

I was not really convinced in the past that I should use the Structuremap Automocker for any of my tests. I don’t like using the container in my tests it makes them way to dependent on something not really needed to run the test. Of course I test to see if the container is well configured and if the objects are created by the container when it is well configured (this has saved me several times before).


Key Feature list For All the Different Windows 7 Versions

Microsoft has announced that this will be the only beta version of windows 7. They have also announced the different SKUs. Here are the key features for all the different windows 7 versions. Microsoft has created a SKU line-up where each SKU is a superset of the previous SKU. This means that each higher edition SKU will have every feature lower edition SKUs have Windows 7 Starter Broad app and device compatibility with up to 3 concurrent applications


Kaxaml a lightweight XAML editor

Kaxaml is a lightweight XAML editor that gives you a “split view” so you can see both your XAML and your rendered content (kind of like XamlPad but without the gigabyte of SDK). First watch the video on channel 9 to see what it looks like. Here is what is covered: Robby Ingebretsen came by to explain what Kaxaml is and how it can be useful to you when developing XAML-based applications.


SQL Server 2008 Books Online Jan, 2009 download now available

Microsoft has released the January, 2009 update to the SQL Server 2008 Books Online. You can see the lists of new/updated topics at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd408738.aspx This update is a quarterly rollup where they have also published it in the Microsoft Download Center. You can download it from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=765433F7-0983-4D7A-B628-0A98145BCB97&displaylang=en


Making the simplest of domainmodels can be harder than you think

Lets start with the requirements. User enters data of Person User is only allowed to enter LastName and FirstName. User is only allowed 30 characters per field. Fields are not allowed to be empty Seems simple enough. Lets start by creating some unittests to verify the requirements. [Test] public void If_person_LastName_property_sets_and_returns_correct_value() { Person person = new Person(); person.LastName = "Test"; Assert.AreEqual("Test", person.LastName); } [Test] [ExpectedException(ExceptionName = "System.


How to enable xp_cmdshell and Ad Hoc Distributed Queries on SQL Server 2005

If you try to execute xp_cmdshell on a fresh install of SQL Server 2005 or 2008 you will be greeted with the following message _Server: Msg 15281, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1 SQL Server blocked access to procedure ‘sys.xp_cmdshell’ of component ‘xp_cmdshell’ because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of ‘xp_cmdshell’ by using sp_configure.