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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Double the trouble in less than half the time

In the ridiculously titled post I hold this blog hostage for 1 million views mahaaahaha mahahaha…. I told you that it took me a little over 3 years to reach 1 million views. I also said that I hoped to get the next million within 2 years, it actually took 1 year and 8 months. In between I have added 186 posts, the average views per post went from 2,739 to 3,629


Stupid me #2 – Where is my SSIS package executed?

And it is time again for another "stupid me"! For those unfamiliar with the concept: Every time I do something "stupid", which happens from time to time, I'll do a little blog post on what happened and how I solved it. The reason for this is twofold: I'll have a solution online I can consult if it happens again and other people can benefit from my mistakes as well. Because remember the ancient Chinese proverb: "


SSRS – Micro Adjustments with the Arrow Keys

Does it every bother you when you use the Arrow Keys to move an object in your SSRS report that it jumps much further over than you really wanted? Maybe you just wanted to nudge it a few pixels to the left but instead it is now over lapping the next object. I used to think that I had to either use my mouse to move it over or start playing with the position coordinates in the properties of the object.


Sparklines and Conditional Formating in SSRS

When creating a SSRS report, you want to add lines that display trends. You want to show trends for more than one data point. And you want to conditionally format the data point. In this example, I use Sparklines and a simple expression to create a sparkling report! Below is how the Sparkline with multiple data points and conditional formatting applied to them will look like. Columns represent sales by month and line represents sales quota by month.


SSRS Properties – Chart Series Label Visibility

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: Label – Visible The purpose of this property is to show the values of data points in the series on a chart. To access the property, go to the chart series properties, expand Label, and go to Visible. Example: I have a chart that shows sales by year, with a series for each product category.


Windows Azure Training Kit available

Microsoft has made available the Windows Azure Training Kit The Windows Azure Training Kit includes hands-on labs, presentations, and samples to help you understand how to build applications that use Windows Azure. Hands-on labs are sets of step-by-step guides that are designed to help you learn how to use key Windows Azure services and features. Each Lab provides instructions to guide you through the process of developing a complete application.


SSRS Properties – Chart Series Tooltip

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: Tooltip The purpose of this property is to show a specific value on a series in a chart when the user hovers over the data point. To access the property, select a chart series and go to Tooltip. Example: I have a line chart that shows sales by category by year. I want the user to be able to see the exact value as a tooltip.


An easier way to get SQL Server startup parameters: the sys.dm_server_registry dmv

When you install SQL Server, Setup will write a set of default startup options to the Windows registry. You can use the startup options to specify an alternate master database file, master database log file, or error log file. Here is what the default options are according to Books on line Default startup options Description -d master_file_path The fully qualified path for the master database file (typically, C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.


MongoDB: Using the web-based administrative tool

MongoDB ships with a web-based administrative tool. You can see this tool by going to http://localhost:28017/ You can see a bunch of stuff on the administrative tool screen. here is a partial image. There are a bunch of links that you can click as well. If you click on any of the links on top List all commands | Replica set status</p> <p>Commands: buildInfo cursorInfo features hostInfo isMaster listDatabases replSetGetStatus serverStatus top


Listing tables that are truly partitioned in SQL Server

To list all the tables that are partitioned you can use the sys.partitions view. However be aware that all tables and indexes in SQL Server contain at least one partition, whether or not they are explicitly partitioned. If you were to do the following, you would get back every table SELECT partition_number,rows,object_name(object_id) FROM sys.partitions So what can you do? Let’s take a look. First we are going to create a partitioned table in case you don’t have one so that you can get the same output as me.