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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

SSRS Properties – RepeatWith

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Today I have a special guest blogger: Stacia Misner, Business Intelligence consultant, trainer, author, and speaker extraordinaire. She is one of the people I learned much from when I started working with SSRS, and it has been a pleasure to get to know her over the past few years. Today, she is blogging about RepeatWith.


BULK INSERT data where the row terminator is a linefeed in SQL Server

I like to use BULK INSERT or bcp as much as possible, this is especially true if all I need to do is dump the file into a table. For more complex things I will go the SSIS route. Files are generated by all kinds of systems these days, these can be Windows, *nix, Mac, Amiga and other systems. Make sure to use something other than notepad when dealing with these files and you want to look at them.


SQL Server Licensing for Non-Production

One of my favorite movie quotes comes from Under Siege 2 (slightly altered to avoid cursing): “Assumption is the mother of all screw ups”. Before we go any further, if you are ever unsure about SQL Server Licensing, contact Microsoft (1-800-426-9400 open Monday through Friday 6:00 AM PST to 6:00 PM PST). What is valid for me at this point in time may not be valid for you or even for myself at a different point in time.


SSRS Properties – WritingMode

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: WritingMode The purpose of this property is to allow you to display text horizontally or vertically within a text box or tablix cell. To access the property, select the text box and go to WritingMode. The options are Horizontal, Vertical, and Rotate270. Modes Horizontal: Text will be horizontal, read left to right. Vertical: Text will be vertical, read top to bottom.


Getting file size, space used and space free information for a SQL Server database

Sometimes you want to quickly see how many files a database has, how much space a file is using and how much space is free. You can use the sysfiles/sys.files views or compatible views for that. From SQL Server 2005 onward you can also use the sys.database_files catalog view. The sizes in these files are stored in 8k pages, in order to get the size in MB you need to divide by 128.


SSRS – Linking one report to another report

When creating reports, I try to keep them simple, clean and with as little information as possible. What I mean by as little information as possible is that I try to keep the information summarized so that the value of the report isn’t lost in a sea of details. However, for some reports you still need those details to back up the summary and to allow for digging deeper into issues.


SSRS Properties – Document Map

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: Document Map The purpose of this property is to allow you to create a clickable list of values in a pane on the left side of the screen that a user can click on to quickly reach that value in the report. To access the property, select the table or matrix and go to DocumentMapLabel.


SSRS Properties – NoRowsMessage

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: NoRowsMessage The purpose of this property is to display a specific message when no rows are returned from a dataset to be displayed in a table, matrix, or list. To access the property, select the data region and go to NoRowsMessage. Example: I have a report that shows sales by territory by year. It has a parameter for the order year.


When is DTEXEC installed?

Or in other words, what do I need to install during SQL Server setup in order to end up with a fully operational SSIS server with a minimal surface area configuration? I came up with this blog post after I participated in the following thread at the MSDN forum: "What's the minimum configuration to run dtexec on windows 2003 server?" DTEXEC is the command line utility used behind the scenes to run SSIS packages.


Azure Worker Role – Exiting Safely

The basic Azure Worker Role consists of a run method, an endless loop, and a sleep statement. Earlier this week, Magnus Martensson walked through implementing a more sophisticated wait object than the generic Thread.Sleep call. Which reminded me of a problem inherent in the basic Microsoft template. Every exit is a crash. The basic Worker Role is a while(true) statement that alternates between doing work and sleeping for a period of time.