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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Happy Holidays

I'd like to use this blog post to wish everyone a happy Christmas, Hanukkah, druid fest or whatever you're celebrating this time of the year. It has been a great year and I look forward to the year 2013. These are some of the professional goals I have set for myself: Read more technical books.I haven't read almost any technical books in 2012 – shame on me – as I was too busy playing with SQL Server 2012 itself.


Support for segments in easyhttp

Introduction Because nancy does not seem to support named url parameters but only url segments and easyhttp makes it’s urls with named parameters only, I decided to add this feature to easyhttp. Url with named parameters http://localhost/trees?Id=1 Url with segments http://localhost/trees/1 How it works You used to be able to do this. csharp var http = new HttpClient(); http.Request.Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson; var result = http.Get("http://localhost/trees", new {Id = 1} ); Which resulted in easyhttp creating a url for you that looked like this.


SQL Advent 2012: Recap

Another year, another SQL Advent calendar has come to an end. This year there was not much SQL code after day 10, I still hope you found it interesting and useful. Here is a list off all the posts with a little blurb about them. SQL Advent 2012 Day 24: Getting help In this post I showed you where to get help and how to use twitter to get some help


SQL Advent 2012 Day 24: Getting help

This is day twenty-four of the SQL Advent 2012 series of blog posts. Today we are going to look at how to get help. Imagine if you were stuck with some problem in 1995, you didn’t have that many choices, you could ask the resident know it all at your job, you could lookup stuff in a book or you could go on the newsgroups and try to get help that way.


SQL Advent 2012 Day 23: Get the tools you need to be more productive

This is day twenty-three of the SQL Advent 2012 series of blog posts. Today we are going to look at why you should get tools to be more productive. In the Reinventing the wheel post I already touched upon the fact that having tools is better than writing something from scratch. I really appreciated tools in 2002. My coworker left for India to enjoy a nice vacation, her code wasn’t due till after she would be back.



So here we go, this is post number 500 here at the LessThanDot site. Five hundred might seems like a lot but it is not that much when you spread it out over the years. Here is what the breakdown looks like 2008 104 2009 139 2010 82 2011 106 2012 68 Here are all the stats and posts: /index.php/All/?disp=authdir&author=4 Ouch, looks like I only blogged half as much in 2012 compared to 2009.


SQL Advent 2012 Day 22: Testing your backup and failover strategy

This is day twenty-two of the SQL Advent 2012 series of blog posts. Today we are going to look at how to test your backup and failover strategy Let’s say your CEO comes to you and asks if your backups are good, you say yes, the CEO proceeds to tell you that the board will be arriving in 5 minutes and he will do a hard unplug of your main server.


Nancy and VB.Net: the login/logout thing

Introduction Having set up forms authentication for my little project (which is still on github) I found the need to put a login/logout link/thing on my viewpages. Since I could not immediately find how to this I asked on the > e and got a swift answer. That answer helped me along, but we still hit a little bump in the road. Here is my journey.


Nancy and VB.Net: Using easyhttp as our client

Introduction Up until now we have used the browser to look at our data. In other words Nancy created a view for us and returned html to the client that requested that information. But wouldn’t it be nice if we could use the same for returning html and/or other formats like json or xml. It turns out to be very easy to do with Nancy. The code can still be found on github.


SQL Advent 2012 Day 21: With VLDBs it matters what you do and how you do it

This is day twenty-one of the SQL Advent 2012 series of blog posts. Today we are going to look at why it matters how you do things when working with a VLDB VLD what? VLDB stands for Very Large Database, Not too long ago the definition of VLDB was a database that occupies more than 1 terabyte or contains several billion rows. This of course will change over time, there are quite a few companies with Petabyte size databases.