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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Managing your filegroups

It’s 4 PM; do you know what’s in your filegroups? I found myself having this inner monologue the other day after I pushed a database form dev to test. On the dev server I had split the database into two filegroups, one to store the data for the staging tables, and one to store the data for the end results. The files essentially looked like this: I realized that I hadn’t generated the file groups or extra files on the second server.


Is your Apache Server Status wide open for the world to see?

The Apache web server comes with something called Apache Module mod_status installed From the Apache site: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_status.html The Status module allows a server administrator to find out how well their server is performing. A HTML page is presented that gives the current server statistics in an easily readable form. If required this page can be made to automatically refresh (given a compatible browser). Another page gives a simple machine-readable list of the current server state.


How to give permissions to User-Defined Table Types

This came up a couple of days ago, a person created a User-Defined Table Type and then used the regular db_datawriter/db_datareader account to use this User-Defined Table Type and he would get the following error **Msg 229, Level 14, State 5, Line 9 The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object ‘SysObjectsCount’, database ‘testTVP’, schema ‘dbo’.** Let’s take a look at how to give permissions because if you do the following


Here are my SSIS 2012 Data Sources

In my previous post I wass looking for the Data Sources and Data Source Views in SSIS 2012 projects. As Carla Sabotta (site|twitter) mentioned in the comments you can change the deployment model of your project so the Data Sources folder will reappear. To do this right click the project in Solution Explorer and choose for “Convert to Package Deployment Model”: After this a warning will appear that you won’t be able to convert to the Package Deployment Model if you are using new features.


Do not use reserved keywords for your column names

Column names and table names should not use reserved keywords in your database. You can use reserved keywords because SQL Server will allow it. However, this should not be done because it makes writing and reading queries more difficult. When you use a reserved keyword for a column or table name, you need to use [square brackets] around the name. The following query compares your column names against a list of identified keywords.


Where are the Data Sources and Data Source Views in SSIS 2012?

While I’m still preparing to teach a MS6235A SSIS training I use a SQL 2012 RTM environment to test the demo’s. One of the demo’s is to show how a Connection Manager is made based on a Data Source View. In BIDS 2008 the Data Sources and Data Source Views are found in the Solution Explorer: To create a new Data Source you right click on the Data Source folder and follow the wizard:


Using DTUtil from PowerShell

I’m preparing my demo’s for a MS6235A SSIS training I will be teaching in a couple of days. In one of the demo’s I just copy a SSIS package from the file system to SQL Server using the DTUtil from the command prompt with this command: DTUTIL /FILE <Path to package>.dtsx /COPY SQL;<Packagename> As expected this works like a charm: But on my demo machine I had a PowerShell window open and started from there.


March #Meme15 – Facebook

This month's #Meme15 topic is on Facebook and people balance mixing family, friends, peers and co-workers. I think the best way for me to answer the question of how I balance mixing family, friends, peers and co-workers, is to talk my history with Facebook.  Many years prior to joining Facebook, I moved from Canada to the Minneapolis, MN area. In 2007 I joined MySpace because most of my of American friends were on it.


When to step back

As I noted previously, I have moved from the world of development over to the world of project management (among other things). And, as I continue to learn and hone my skills in this new world, I will post my thoughts, experiences and observations here. My first project was a small project with one of the developers on my team. Essentially, we needed to tweak an existing application to take into account a new process that had been implemented recently so that it would handle the new format of the data.


Defining What "Done" Means

As I left college, I believed that projects would be clearly defined in a functional specification (despite my actual experience up to that point). The grand purpose of the project would be detailed, the goals and assumptions would be written and indexed, and the expectations for uptime, performance, and similar non-functional requirements would be included. In short, I would know exactly what needed to be produced in order to call the project “complete”.