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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Multithreading pings and pausing and resuming and grouping them.

In my post Multithreading pings and showing them in a grid in VB.Net I got a question from Alex. Hi, What if I want to check 100 ip’s 5 at a time? What do I need to change in the code to accomplish this. I’ve been working on it for several hours with no luck. And Alex was pushing his luck by coming back and asking this too.


New perspective from the other side of the fence

A few months ago, I changed jobs and careers. I moved from a software engineer role to an analyst/project manager role (or, as some of my more technical friends have referred to it – the dark side). I had deliberately sought out this change as I wanted to move away from what had strictly been a coding role to one that was a little more encompassing in terms of working through the entire SDLC – a role with which I was and am far more comfortable and familiar.


Could not find stored procedure 'sp_ExecuteSQL'

Tonight I was upgrading some SSIS packages for another blog on automating index statistics. While doing this task, I ran into the error, “Could not find stored procedure ‘sp_ExecuteSQL’“. After sitting there, in disbelief that sp_executesql wasn’t on the SQL Server 2012 RC0 instance, I realized the problem was me. I actually just gave the answer to what the issue was. The database that I was testing on was AdventureWorks. AdventureWorks has a collation setting of Latin1_General_100_CS_AS.


How I use PowerShell to generate table output for blog posts from query results

If you are a blogger, you want to spend time on writing the content not on formatting tables and prettifying syntax so that it looks nice. The syntax is taken care of because we use the GeSHi syntax highlighter. formatted output is another story If you want to show the output of a query in a html table you have a couple of options. Let’s first take a look at a simple query


January #Meme15 Assignment – Twitter, the Blog, taking over the universe

[]1 Good friend and SQL Server MVP, Jason Strate (Blog | Twitter) put together the meme15 topic. Meme15 is a monthly post that involves topics about blogging or meta-blogging. The monthly event has a ton of value in helping build blogging skills, share blogging experiences and get more bloggers to start up.    This month’s questions that need answering are… Why should average Jane or Joe professional consider using twitter?


How to connect to SQL Server when your default database is unavailable

I was restoring a TB+ sized database on our staging database today. Someone needed to use a different database but he couldn’t login because the database I was restoring was the default database for the login he was using. I told him to click on the Options button in the connection dialog and specify another database. I guess there was an misunderstanding because he couldn’t get it to work. This means it is time for a blog post.


Basic4Android first try

Some people just have weird ideas and making Basic4Android could be categorized as one of those. Yes it let’s you create android applications using Basic. And how could I pass that up. So I installed the trail version and gave it a spin. So I tried to make a textview that I would change to hello world when the application starts. First thing you get to see when is this screen.


Four Windows Phone Starter Kits Available

There are four Windows Phone starter kits available for download These starter kits are great to get an app working and to understand how it woks, all you have to do is add your own artwork, make a couple of tweaks and you are ready to go. Below is a link to all of them and a short description of what they do….happy coding Windows Phone Starter Kit for RSS


Friday SQL Nugget #1

It’s time for SQL Nuggets! This is a cool idea started by LTD’s own Ted Krueger – a quick SQL-related blog on Fridays. This week’s nugget is “Deciding I need to delete it all and start over again” (and I’d like that with a side of honey mustard, please). A wise Jedi once said, “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” What happens when you do, but you do poorly?


Friday SQL Nugget #1

Ted Krueger tagged me “Deciding I need to delete it all and start over again”. What can I say, during the process of writing this post, I expect to delete it all and start over again at least once! I suspect that most people would think that “starting over” is generally bad. I couldn’t disagree more. Every time I have started over, I always end up with code that is easier to read, more efficient and ultimately has less bugs.